St. Bonaventure University

PLEASE NOTE: St. 博纳旺蒂尔大学将在2024/25学年不招收任何新的HEOP学生. Any admissions queries can be directed to Any HEOP students seeking readmission to St. Bonaventure will still be considered. 

Higher Education Opportunity Program

St. Bonaventure University’s Arthur O. Eve HEOP Program (HEOP) is a comprehensive program, jointly sponsored with the state of New York, 协助为所有纽约人提供进入该州私立学院和大学的机会.

这个项目是为那些有潜力和兴趣继续他们的教育,但由于某些生活环境的学生设计的, financial and educational, higher education may not have initially been an option.

我们HEOP的工作人员努力确保每个学生的个人需求-学术, personal and financial — are met through counseling, tutoring and a comprehensive financial aid package.

Eligibility Requirements

  • 在注册HEOP之前必须在纽约州居住至少一年.
  • 必须是高中毕业生或通过纽约州普通教育发展(GED)考试.
  • Meet academic and economic guidelines.

Academic Guidelines

A student's academic profile, including high school grades, 大学委员会分数和学术历史应该表明他/她不会被St. Bonaventure University's regular admissions standards, 但要展示学生在大学阶段取得成功的潜力.

Economic Guidelines

学生必须符合纽约州教育部制定的财务指南, with appropriate support documentation.

Financial requirements for first-time students

Economic guidelines can be reviewed by downloading our 2024-2025 HEOP Financial Eligibility Guidelines

纽约州教育局(State Education Department of New York)规定的经济指导方针是根据家庭成员的数量制定的. Adjustments are made for families with two workers, one-parent families, and families with unusual and extenuating circumstances. 学生必须是纽约州居民,并符合其他资格准则. 请致电1-800-462-5050或HEOP@sbu与HEOP办公室联系.edu for further information.

学生和家庭必须能够提供大量的收入证明文件,包括, but not limited to, copies of: Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA); parents’ and student's 1040, 1040A, or 1040EZ, and W-2 forms; Social Services Documentation; Social Security form 1099; and verification of child support. 所有表格必须由适当人士签署,并包括上一年的收入总额. 

国家教育部不因年龄而歧视学生, color, religion, creed, disability, marital status, veteran status, national origin, race, gender, genetic predisposition or carrier status, or sexual orientation in its educational programs, services and activities.


  • Confirmation Deposit

    Are you ready to take the next step to be a Bonnie?
    Make your confirmation deposit today.

    Note: You may find it helpful to first visit: How to make your HEOP confirmation deposit

    HEOP at SBU

    Bristol Barnes on HEOP at St. Bonaventure

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